• Killing In San Francisco Shows Dangers Of Illegal Immigration
  • 4_JulyIt was recently reported that an undocumented immigrant, who has a crime record and has been deported to Mexico 5 times killed a young woman in the city of San Francisco. This led the Presidential candidate, Republican Donald Trump to reiterate that this was ample reason why the borders of the country should be secured.

    Donald Trump was quoted as saying that “This senseless and totally preventable act of violence committed by an illegal immigrant is yet another example of why we must secure our border immediately,” Trump said in a statement Friday. “This is an absolutely disgraceful situation and I am the only one that can fix it. Nobody else has the guts to even talk about it. That won’t happen if I become President”.

    His comments led many Latino protesters to take to the streets, and across the country there have been massive displays of zero-tolerance for all his hateful remarks. Many big media companies have moved away from him, and many stores have removed merchandising pertaining to the candidate.