• 24april The huge volume of illegal immigrant children from the countries of Mexico and Central America crossing in over the borders seems to be drying up significantly, according to top immigration officials in the United States of America.

    The Chief of the U S Border Patrol stated recently that he was confident that the levels of illegal children who were crossing over have trickled down substantially and that lesser children who were not accompanied with their parents were crossing in over the borders.

    The status of illegal children has become a major issue in recent times and has been affecting immigration policies, even sometimes complicating the Obama administration and affecting the government’s executive actions. Since the year 2012 a flow of children has been occurring due to excruciating poverty and violence in the countries of Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Mexico. In the last year alone, more than 67,000 children entered the country from these four countries alone, which was a 44 per cent increase from 2013.

    Last June President Obama called the flood of children a crisis of “grave humanitarian proportions” and had ordered a look into the medical care and staying condition of the immigrant children. Deportation procedures had also begun for many of these children.