• 26thMay When an applicant is on an immigration journey finding the right immigration attorney is one of the few steps that can make or break the situation! The path to citizenship or permanent residency is not impossible but it is paved with documentation and legalese, so one has to be sure to tread carefully.

    Though it is not necessary to hire an immigration attorney it is advisable. The body that takes care of immigration in the US – the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, or USCIS has many forms and a plethora of information on its website and sometimes most immigrants are found to take care of the entire immigration process themselves.

    Thousands of immigrants are seen to be making it every year. But still, laws can get complicated and what’s more, they can keep changing all the time. So a qualified, experienced and helpful immigration attorney can help an applicant sail through the process.

    How do you find a good lawyer?

    One of the surefire ways is through “Word of Mouth”. A friend’s testimonial or a relative’s endorsement always helps. If you search within the immigrant community you are sure to find the appropriate person you are looking for. Friends and relatives are always willing to give you their recommendations.

    Another way to find a lawyer is through AILA- the American Immigration Lawyers Association, a group of lawyers in the country who are reliable and reputed. These lawyers practice immigration law and are well-versed in all the legal intricacies.

    www.easyIME.com also has a free listing of immigration lawyers for applicants who are on the immigration journey.

    Be sure to check out the credentials of the lawyer before you take him on board!