• US Border Patrol Taking Sides On Immigration – A Report
  • 2_JulyFederal agents and their unions are being accused of being in cahoots with anti-immigration groups – sources say that both are colluding to restrict immigration activities and steering the country’s debate away from immigration reform.

    A report recently issued states that the duties pertaining to the federal agents and union officers were being violated as both groups were working hand in glove to oppose immigration.

    This was lending the whole exercise a dangerous credibility to the “organized anti-immigrant movement and assisting its efforts in advocating for policies that malign immigrant communities and obstruct future immigration.”

    A member of a law center stated that the police should not be setting up policy in a democracy, which was absolutely “antithetical to a democracy”, as “Police carry out public policy in a democracy, they do not make it.”

    The report also stated that there were multiple instances of federal agents and their unions leaking information to immigration opponents, and even appearing at their private events – practices that “call into question the ability of some to uphold their responsibility as stewards of the country’s immigration system.”

    The director of the agency brushed away the report’s allegations and instead, defended agents’ actions as of being “well-intentioned”, a check as what is being seen as “the Obama administration’s information blackout on illegal immigration.”