• Immigrant teachers struggle with Paltry Incomes
  • Even in the twenty first century, with high demand for education, still we lack good educators to teach the students. Especially its very tough for the immigrant to become a teacher with good salary in the US. Due to lack of legal documents to get hold of citizenship in order to get full time job in US, immigrants even with skilled knowledge are not able to make it up. They are not recognized and don’t earn enough money to support their family.

     Salaries keep highly qualified individuals out of profession. Whether it is in US or outside US, salaries are always hit to the immigrants and especially in teaching profession in schools. Especially mid and late-career teacher base salaries are painfully low in many states. Even with 10 years of experience they make less than a truck driver in the state. Also they have less opportunity to grow their salaries compared to other professions.

    In order to supplement their minimal salaries, large percentage of immigrant teachers takes up second job. Ultimately the mid and late career teachers are not earning what they deserve, unless and until the nation’s mid & late career teacher are paid rightly only then we can get good teacher to our students, otherwise we will be big loser.

    easyIME likes to share information of US immigration, USCIS and Immigration News and it is first of its kind to cater for Immigration community to US. easyIME has stretched its hands in field Immigration Medical Exam by making easy for the Immigrant.