• 23_1April QUESTION: I am an applicant for the Green Card, and I am due to take the Green Card Medical Examination. I have received vaccinations in the past; do I still need to take additional Vaccines during the course of the Green Card Medical Examination?

    Answer: no, you need not. The Civil Surgeon will go through your vaccination records during the Green Card Medical Exam, to examine whether there is a sufficient record of the earlier Vaccines that has been taken by you to protect against vaccine-preventable diseases marked for your age category. It is useful to carry any written vaccination records you may have to show to the Civil Surgeon, during your appointment for the Green Card Medical Examination.

    If the age category that you fall under shows that you are lacking in any Vaccines then the Civil Surgeon will vaccinate you as required. As an alternative you can also obtain the necessary vaccines from your personal healthcare doctor. But, do remember, as only the Civil Surgeon approved by the immigration body USCIS can complete the assessment of vaccination on the Form I-693 the Civil Surgeon should receive the necessary proof that you have taken the required Vaccines.

    QUESTION: Do all the vaccines mentioned on the CDC’s vaccine list have to be taken by me as an immigrant, or only the ones that pertain to my age category?

    When you appear for the Green Card Medical Examination the Civil Surgeon will only administer vaccines that are appropriate for your age group. The Civil Surgeon will annotate the I-693 form suitably to display that a particular vaccine was not required to be taken by you as it was not appropriate for your age at the time of the Green Card Medical examination.