• One Of The Crucial Steps On The Immigration Journey – The Green Card Medical
  • The US Green Card Medicals are conducted by the USCIS for all those aspirants who have to adjust status or are applying for a green card while residing in the United States. There are USCIS empanelled medical doctors who help to conduct these examinations. The main objective of conducting either a green card medical examination or an immigration medical exam is to ensure that the applicant does not suffer from any major health condition or disease, which could make him or her inadmissible on public health grounds.

    A green card is required by immigrants who wish to reside in the United States. The green card medicals are therefore solely conducted by qualified doctors, who are sufficiently equipped to take these examinations. The applicant has to go through a series of standard, routine tests and also take the immigration vaccines. easyIME helps both applicants and doctors by arranging to set up appointments with the doctors. Applicants can now choose their doctors with the help of esayIME’s easy to use dropdown list of doctors available in the applicants’ area. Once the applicant chooses the immigration doctor in the area of his choice easyIME sees to it that the appointment is scheduled at the appropriate time. This way processing the green card medical with easyIME  makes it extremely easy for applicants, as it hand-holds you through the entire  routine! Applicants can further choose the best-preferred doctor online on the easyIME website, after comparing fees, which are also displayed on the site. This will go a long way in helping applicants make the best possible selection of their doctor.

    Once you select the doctor online, choosing the time slot suitable to you, easyIME will coordinate with the surgeon with the appointment and other necessary details. All that you will now have to do is to appear for the immigration physicals at the USCIS doctor’s clinic at the designated time!