• Obamacare Failure: will damage immigration bill?
  • In March 2010, American President Mr. Barak Obama signed a law called ‘Affordable Care Act’, along with ‘Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act.’ Media people called this law as “Obamacare”. The main objective of this act was to increase the quality and affordability of health insurance, to reduce healthcare costs for public and government and to lower down the uninsured rate by encouraging public and private insurance coverage.

    Immigration Reform Bill, One of the most controversial and historical bill, which is now in House, waiting to bring out for vote, has been sidetracked by the complete failure of implementation of Affordable Care Act or Obamacare. Eminent personalities in House doubt on government’s ability to perform. Most House Republicans doubts about the administration’s competence to manage the complexity of immigration reform bill.

    Now it is going to be tough to sell hard bills like immigration.” Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, a lead co-sponsor of the Senate immigration bill, told Politico. “People are now saying, ‘So you’re going to do immigration. You’re going to let the same people manage the immigration system that’s managed Obamacare?’”

    People who support piecemeal approach also stand for criticism for this issue. Mr. Brendan Buck, House Speaker John M. Boehner’s spokesperson took advantage and said.” the troubled rollout of Obamacare validated our warnings against jamming one massive bill that few have read and even fewer fully comprehend.”

    On the other hand, Obama administration are advocating by differentiating both the bills. “These are different systems,” Jay Carney, Secretary of President Mr. Barak Obama,  said on Monday. “I would point to the extraordinary effort that’s gone into fixing the problems on HealthCare.gov, acknowledging the shortcomings — the serious, significant shortcomings, taking ownership and responsibility for them and acting to fix the problem. Because in the end — and this would be true of immigration reform as it is of HealthCare.gov or the ACA — the issue isn’t in the end how the process is; the process is performed in service of the legislation and the goal. And in this case, in immigration reform, it’s in service of a bill that would provide, when implemented, the benefits that we’ve described and that outside analysts have described.”

    Though democrats are favoring immigration bill, I really doubt that House Republicans will take advantage of this issue and will make it difficult for democrats to vote for immigration system by giving an example of Obamacare.

    Christmas holidays schedule are out and immigration bill waiting for the new house session to begin in next year. It will be interesting to watch how things proceed in next session.

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