• Will Immigration Reform Bill pass in the present year?
  • The Immigration reform is the hot topic in the United States.  It has been almost a year now that President Mr. Barak Obama promised the nation to come up with strong immigration legislation which will boost the US economy and offer significant benefits to millions of illegal immigrants.

    According to sources, Republicans are busy nowadays in crafting ‘principles’ to propose in the house instead of a comprehensive reform bill. The principles are nothing but a series of legislation proposals related to different immigration issues. However, we don’t know if we should be happy or not. These principles will be based on the most critical issue of last year’s reform bill – Border Security. For decades, the United States has been unfortunate as far as border security is concerned. Every year, thousands of illegal immigrants enter in the US for better living for their families. Border security is most critical problem that must be solved as early as possible.

    The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill which was crafted by a gang of eight members (4 conservative Republicans and 4 Democrats) of bipartisan group is on stall right now. This bill consisted many key issues related to immigration like border security, merit based visa system and a pathway to citizenship to illegal immigrants. The Conservative Republicans were very much against to the pathway of citizenship provision. According to them, one cannot easily be a citizen of the United States who does not respect the US laws. They always wanted a series of immigration bills which handle different immigration issues separately.

    In the comprehensive bill, there is a provision called 13 years of the pathway of citizenship proposed to undocumented immigrants. However, a recent survey by the pew research center revealed that for immigrants, reduction in deportation and legalization is more important than citizenship. Most of the Latino community agreed that legalization is more important and they are not satisfied with the republican’s role in the immigration reform process in the house. This is considered as a primary reason of the republican’s inclination towards immigration reform.  The senate elections are approaching and both parties will try to get the attention of voters and why not? This is the perfect time to settle the biggest controversial issue to gather public attention. According to law experts, the immigration reform is likely to pass before the elections.

    By the end of this month, the picture will be crystal clear. However, Speaker of the House, Mr. John Boehner and conservative Republicans will surely try to get credit for the immigration reform. My question is: will Democrats be in the agreement with conservatives for the compromised reform designed by them?

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