• Green Card Medical Exam Now Made Easy
  • 24_JuneA part of the Immigration process is going through the Immigration medical examination. If an applicant is adjusting status, or applying for a green card, the requirement states that one will  be required to undergo the Immigration medical exam, that consists of vaccinations, tuberculin tests and other physical examinations. Blood and urine tests, along with the stipulated  x-rays could also be a part of the entire medical exam process.

    Are you an applicant in the process for securing the Green Card? In that case, easyIME will be  happy to be of service!  What easyIME does is to get in touch with a preferred USCIS-approved Civil Surgeon of your choice and in the area stated by you, and help you go through the process of the Green Card Medical Examination. Each USCIS Civil Surgeon on the easyIME database charges separate rates, and the Immigration Medical Exam Cost is listed on the easyIME portal for the applicant’s helpful understanding. The Immigration medical exam is a process consisting of Vaccination, Tuberculin tests and other physical examinations, including blood and urine tests, along with relevant x-ray examinations.

    The easyIME portal helps to make the entire medical examination process easy for applicants, by bringing applicants, Civil Surgeons and immigration lawyers onto a common platform. It is mandatory that the exam be conducted only by USCIS-approved Civil Surgeons, and the portal displays a free listing of empanelled USCIS-approved Civil Surgeons, coupled with their addresses and individual fee structures. Applicants can locate the surgeon most suitable to their convenience, by selecting the relevant zip code.

    www.easyIME.com is an efficient portal that is secure, safe and easily navigable, offering updated information on the entire immigration medical examination process, making it a valuable tool for Green Card applicants to the United States.