• Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill: Is Congress serious enough?
  • The final session of Congress is going to end in a few days and the holiday schedules is already out, but the long awaited immigration bill is still on table. A day ago, during an interview, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said that she asked House speaker John Boehner about consideration of Immigration Reform Bill and he replied,” Yes, we have to wait until next year.”

    It has been six months of senate passed the Comprehensive Reform Bill proposed by Gang of Eight. Few weeks ago, Congress came to the conclusion of piecemeal approach where all the issues will be directed by separate drafted bills. President Mr. Barak Obama also supported this theory. At that point of time, people really considered that now congress is serious enough to pass this law in this year itself. it was a ray of hope which never emerged. Thousands of people marched, protested for the bill but in vein.

    Protesters outside the House

    However, vice president Joe Biden promised yesterday that Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill will surely implement as law, since majority of both, Republicans and Democrats understand urgency of this law.  Senate passed this bill in summer of this year but GOP house leaders opposed to bring the bill to vote in house.

    Sylvia Ruiz, the Service Employees International Union official who is leading the fast, held in Capitol Hill, in favor of Immigration Reform bill, told to Dana Milbank from Washington Post, that they wrote two letters to house speaker John Boehner about starting conversation with them, but he never responded.

    Immigration Law has been annoying United States from last 30 years. We really need a strong Immigration law which strengthens our nation’s integrity and Security and also give a fair chance to immigrants, who really want to contribute to United States America in better way. Let’s hope our house people become more serious towards this issue and come out with profound solution.

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