• CDC updated policy on TB test for Green Card Applicants
  • The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has updated the policy by releasing an instruction about medical screen for tuberculosis (TB) for green card applicants. As per the new policy dated October 1, 2018, the TB blood test will be considered as the first TB screening method. Before this instruction, the tuberculin skin test (TST) was considered as primary tuberculosis (TB) method.

    USCIS conducts necessary medical examination for the applicants who are willing to get permanent citizenship or want to change their status of immigrants. For this, USCIS has appointed authorized doctors who can provide immigration medical exam service to almost all the green card applicants.

    TB is quite difficult to detect through skin testing. IGRA testing methods nowadays are considered more accurate and credible than the traditional skin test method. This is the prime reason for the CDC to update the testing methods for medical immigration.  Applicants may ask USCIS approved civil surgeon, whether they are familiar with the CDC TB test update requirement.

    Are you looking for immigration medical service and want to find out your nearest USCIS authorized civil surgeons? Check out the EasyIME website and find out your nearest and cheapest immigration medical doctors.