• Outbreak of Measles in the USA – Highest ever seen in the last 18 years
  • The recent report by the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality weekly has stated that there are nearly 129 cases of measles this year, the highest number as compared with the last 18 years. The data is alarming- this year saw  the highest rise of measles outbreaks with California being the state with the highest number to witness this outbreak. .

    measles vaccine

    As per CDC, the infection set in from the Philippines, which saw a large outbreak of measles cases, and a large number of people who visited the country been infected with the disease. Nearly 20,000 cases  have been suspected in the Asian nation.

    What is Measles?

    The measles virus, known as Paramyxovirus  infects the human body’s respiratory system. Morbilli or rubeloa are the other names for measles. The virus attacks the respiratory system, immune system and the skin.

    Symptoms of Measles

    Measles is a highly contagious disease that occurs in the tiny droplets spewed out, when an infected person coughs, sneezes or exhales.

    • The virus multiplies without any symptoms, usually within 1 or 2 weeks after the entry of the virus into the body.
    • The infected person starts to cough, usually develops fever, a runny nose, red eyes, and tears from the eyes.
    • Rashes appear usually on the forehead, behind the ears, trunk, arms and legs, etc.. These usually disappear within 5 to 6 days.
    • The infection usually lasts for about 10 days.
    • In worst cases, measles can affect the brain. Usually, this is the last stage of the disease and survival of the patient is put to risk.

    Cure for Measles

    As it is a viral infection, it will last for a maximum of 5-7 days and will gradually go. There are no specific medications to kill the virus. In order to relive the body pain and fever medicines like acetaminophen or ibuprofen are advised by the doctors.

    A dosage of Vitamin A tablets is generally prescribed by doctors for the children who are suffering severely.

    Vaccination for Measles

    Nearly 95% of children are being fully vaccinated against modern measles. The measles vaccines are given along with mumps and rubella vaccine, which is known as the MMR vaccine. This is a lifelong protection.

    USA is strict with law and order; and it strives to take utmost care of their citizens by looking into minute details. Vaccination is one among them. The people who were infected are the ones who were not old enough to take vaccinations like small kids or some who have gone without vaccination.

    This has led to a lot of pressure imposed on the immigrant community, as immigrants are required to undergo a green card medical exam and all the vaccines details has to be submitted to the US Civil Surgeon in order for them to apply for the green card. easyIME makes the entire green card medical examination process easy, by helping to arrange and set up appointments with USCIS doctors.