• Healthy Passages : Your Immigration Medical Exam Journey in Vibrant New Jersey!
  • Are you in the process of applying for a green card or seeking to adjust your immigration status? If so, then you are most likely required to undergo an Immigration Medical Exam. This exam is an essential step in the immigration process, and in this blog post, we will provide you with all the information you need to know about this important examination in New Jersey.

    From understanding what to expect during the exam to finding USCIS designated doctors in New Jersey, we will guide you through each step of the process! We will also explain why a complete immigration medical exam is crucial and shed light on the importance of Form I-693. Additionally, we will share tips on how to prepare for the exam and provide insights on common medical conditions that may affect your immigration status.

    So, if you’re ready to embark on this exciting journey towards obtaining your green card, let’s dive in and explore all the details surrounding the Immigration Medical Exam in New Jersey!

    Finding USCIS Designated Doctors in New Jersey

    When it comes to undergoing an immigration medical exam in New Jersey, it is crucial to find a USCIS designated doctor who is authorized to perform these exams. The platforms such as EasyIME.com help you finding the right docs in New Jersey in just a few simple clicks – and for free!  Alternatively, you can visit the USCIS website or consult the New Jersey State Medical Board to inquire about USCIS designated doctors in your area.

    When you arrive for your immigration medical exam, there are several steps you can expect to go through –

    1. Medical History
    2. Physical Examination
    3. Tuberculosis (TB) Test
    4. Vaccination Status
    5. Mental Health Evaluation
    6. Collection of Samples

    You will also be asked to produce documents such as valid identification (passport, driver’s license, etc.) proof of prior vaccinations, medical records for any previous medical conditions or surgeries and any relevant medical test results.   It’s essential to come prepared with all the necessary documentation to ensure a smooth and efficient immigration medical exam.

    Completing Form I-693

    As part of the green card medical exam, you will also need to complete Form I-693, Medical Examination of Aliens Seeking Adjustment of Status. This form must be filled out by the designated doctor and will include information about your medical examination.

    Make sure to provide accurate and complete information on Form I-693. Any discrepancies or omissions could lead to delays or issues with your immigration process.

    Top five hotspots for immigration medical exam in New Jersey are :